High-Fat Foods Friend or Foe?

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High-Fat Foods Friend or Foe?

The major sources of saturated fats in the US diet are fatty meats, whole milk, tropical oils. Products made from any of these foods.

To limit saturated fat intake, consumers must choose carefully among these high-fat foods. More than a third of the fat in most meats is saturated.

Similarly, more than half of the fat is saturate. Whole milk and other high-fat milk products, such as cheese, butter, cream, half and- half, cream cheese, sour cream, and ice cream. The tropical oils of palm, palm kernel, and coconut, which consumers rarely use in the kitchen use heavily by food manufacturers and are commonly found in many commercially prepared foods.

When choosing meats, milk products, and commercially prepared foods, look for those lowest in saturated fat. Labels help consumers to compare products.

Even with careful selections, a nutritionally adequate diet will provide some saturated fat. Zero saturated fat is not possible even. When experts design https://ufabet999.app menus with the mission to keep saturated fat as low as possible. Because most saturated fats come from animal foods, vegetarian diets can, and usually do, deliver fewer saturated fats than mix diets.

Many convenience foods contain trans fats, including:

  • Fried foods such as French fries, chicken, and other commercially fried foods
  • Commercial baked goods such as cakes, pie crusts, frozen
  • pizzas, biscuits, muffins, cookies, doughnuts, pastries, breads, and crackers
  • Snack foods such as chips
  • Imitation cheeses

To keep trans-fat intake low, use these foods sparingly. Substituting unsaturated fats for saturated fats at each meal and snack can help protect against heart disease.

Decades of research have confirm. That omega-3 fatty acids help protect against heart disease by reducing blood triglycerides, blood pressure, resting heart rate, and inflammation; stabilizing plaque; and serving as precursors to eicosanoids. For people with hypertension or atherosclerosis, these actions can be lifesaving.

Because increasing omega-3 fatty acids in the diet support heart health and lower the rate of deaths from heart disease. The American Heart Association recommends including fish in a heart-healthy diet. People who eat some fish each week can lower their risks of heart attack and stroke.